What is your pricing model? How much does Air cost?

$0.11/minute Outbound. On average 5x cheaper than a human.

We are making some heavily requested changes to pricing in light of recent customer feedback. We’ve had countless businesses ask for pricing to be more comparable to human output rather than talk time - because no human is on calls 8 hours a day and most time is spent dialing, updating CRM, etc. so it’s hard to actually compare. We are pivoting to $0.11 per minute of output (which includes both dial time & talk time). Telephony costs will be billed separately per Twilios pricing (just like any dialer or CRM does) as you set up your own Twilio account to utilize Air. Although Air looks significantly cheaper at $0.11 per minute now, when you include dial time, the true cost is actually about the same. 

Our Inbound campaigns are currently 0.32/minute as there is no dial time, voicemails, etc so that is pure talk time. We are actively working to decrease this pricing. 

Calls made via API and Roleplay are also 0.32/minute.